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baby in dream hinduism

Hindu Dream Interpretation Symbols and Meanings
Hindu Dream Interpretation Symbols and Meanings
12 Chinese Zodiac SignsPlat Issues Palm ReadingHouse Feng ShuiBasicsOrgans on FaceBasics The Meaning of a Baby in a Dream What does it mean when you dream of a baby? People reading this article also read That you are interested in Harder Questions and Answers (0) Reply ) Questioned by C***S Silence 3/15/2021 5:18:59 AM (0) Reply ) Questioned by C***S Silence 3/15/2021 5:18:32 AM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Reply ) Questioned by m***j Silence 9/21/2020 7:06:55 PM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Reply ) Questioned by M***M Silence 9/16/2017 11:09:44 AM (5) Replies ) Questioned by M***a Silence 5/29/2017 5:58:28 PM © Copyright 2014-2021 · All rights reserved

Ten "Auspicious Dreams" in Vedas and Upanishads By London SwaminathanHindus stands out in understanding TIME, Working in MIND and Explaining DREAMS. Western scientists have not reached the level of Hindus in these fields. They're still late. Dreams find a place in the daily lives of Hindus. They knew about the REM dream and the inevitableness of dreams. Hindus Brahmin pray to the sun one day to kill nightmares (Dus Swapna Nasanam). This shows how much they have understood about dreams. Adi Shankara, India's greatest philosopher, uses the dream hundreds of times in his hymns and comments. Mandukya Upanishad uses it to explain the state of mind. Varahamihira, author of Brhat Samhita and several others before him took care of dreams. Hindus have several books interpreting dreams. The poets of Sangam's Tamil Literature even sing about the dreams of birds and animals. Encyclopedia Tamil Abidhana Chintamani has a summary of the interpretation of dreams for six pages. It is the summary of the Sanskrit book on attributed dreams t Deva Guru Brhaspati. As the dream of a foolish person is a popular simile used in Hindu literature. Ten Inauspicious / Evil Dreams in Vedic Literature The meaning of dreams was an interesting part of Vedic literature. It is treated in several passages, including an Athrvan Parisista. The Rig Veda considers the manufacture of a garland or the band of the neck ominous in a dream. Ten dreams that presuppose death are recorded in Aitareya Aranyaka (3-2-4); they areIn the classical Sanskrit literature we have several references to dreams. The separate book on the interpretation of sleep is attributed to Deva Guru Brhaspati. Svapna is the Sanskrit word for sleep. In the Sanskrit hymn books there are slokas / special hymns to avoid nightmares. Have our dreams come true? Each of us dreams at night. Most of them have no meaning. We couldn't even remember them the next morning. But now and then we read in newspapers or in our old scriptures about some dreams that become prophetic. What's the truth? A devoted Hindu knows the importance of good sleep. Pray for it in the Rudram – Chamakam of Yajur Veda. Every day, Brahmins prays to God three times a day not to give them "dus swapna" (nightly seas). Ref. Adyano deva savita:,Sandhyavandana Mantra. Western Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud interpreted dreams as fulfilling desires (the nightmares are failed dreams driven by fears of repressed impulses). The Western psychologists soon saw them as suppressed desires, feelings and desires. According to scientists, dreams occupy a fifth of our dream and happen during the REM sleep period (Rapid Eye Movement). The REM sleep means that the cortex of the brain is as active as during the hours of awakening. Hindus do not agree with Western views. We see more meaning in dreams. We think they're telling you what's gonna happen to you – like winning the lottery or getting sick or some misfortune to our close and dear. But not all dreams are interpreted this way. Hindus have better analysed the mental state than modern scientists. All our religious literature speaks of Jagrat (refuge) Swapna (sleep) Sushupti (deep sleep) and Turiya (a pure awareness experience beyond the three stages of sleep – there is no word in English for him). Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh who himself was an ascetic converted doctor explains dreams in a beautiful way in his book The Philosophy of Dreams (It is available free of charge on the website of the Divine Society of Life): "Each presentation of dreams has a meaning. A dream is like a letter written in an unknown language. A man who does not know Chinese, a letter written in that language is a meaningless scroll. But for one who knows that language is full of more valuable information. It may be the letter that asks for immediate action, or may contain words of consultation to one who suffers from dismissal. It can be a threatening letter or you can talk about love. These meanings are there only those who would care to attend the letter and try to decipher it. How few of us try to understand these messages from the deep invisible ocean of our own Consciousness!" Dreams in Vedic Literature We have references to dreams in Rig Veda, Kaushitaki Brahmana, Chandogya Upanishad and other classical Sanskrit literature. They treated dreams as prophetic, conveying some message from the future. For example, the Chandogya Upanishad (V 2-8-9) says that seeing a woman in a dream means that a previous sacrifice (fire) was successful. But it gives conditions for such dreams. Kaushitaki Brahmana says that seeing a black man with black teeth is not a good omen. Some people even receive messages in dreams. Rishi Viswamitra received mantra upadesa from Lord Siva in his dream. Vishistadvaita Sri Ramanuja's lawyer believed that dreams are caused by the Lord. Andal, a great Tamil Vaishnavite saint saw Lord Vishnu marry her in a dream. He sang about his dream in beautiful Tamil verses known as Varanam Ayiram. This is sung at all Tamil Vaishnavite weddings. Before great men were born, women had strange dreams. We see this at the birth of Jain holy Vartaman Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda and several saints. Bhuvaneswari Devi, mother of Swami Vivekananda dreamed of Siva with agreeing to be born as her son. Being a great devotee of Lord Vireswara Siva of Varanasi, she gave the name of Vireswara to her son. Later it was changed to Narendra and then to Vivekananda. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa's parents experienced supernatural incidents, visions before their birth. His father Khudiram had a dream in Gaya where Lord Gadadhara said he would be born as his son. Chandramani Devi is said to have a vision of light entering his belly of the temple of Shiva. The mother of Gauthama Siddhartha Maya Devi and King Sudhdhodana were treating a baby for twenty years after their marriage. One day she had a dream of a white elephant with a lotus flower on her trunk going around her three times and entering her belly. I used to dream of bathing in a lake in the Himalayas. She was taken to the lake by four angels in her dream. Mahavira Trishala's mother had 16 auspicious dreams before her birth. When King Sidhdharth consulted his astrologers, they told him that there were 72 auspicious dreams according to the books about dreams and the king was going to get a son who would rule a spiritual empire. Trishala vio1. A white elephant2. A lion3. The goddess Gaja Lakshmi4. Moon5. Two fish jumping6. Sun7. Lake full of lotus flowers8. Milk ocean9. A heavenly palace10. A throne of rubies and diamonds11. A heavenly king12. A garland13. A white bull14. Fragrance flowers Mandara15. A tall vase with gems and 16. A white elephant coming into it. Seeing an elephant in a dream is considered auspicious. In most cases of divine births, we see a light coming in or elephant entering the mother's body. Messages from the separated souls The former chief of Madurai Adheenam (Saiva Mut) who died several years ago did a lot of research on communicating with dead people. He has narrated several incidents in which departed souls appeared in dreams to warn people about the dangers ahead. When Vallabhacharya was born prematurely without signs of life, his mother left him under a tree. When he came home with all the sadness, he dreamed of Krishna telling him that he was born as a child to her. He ran to the tree where the child was alive and kicked with a divine fire protecting him. All these stories impart some knowledge of dreams to those who have an interest in their interpretation. Swami Vivekananda also narrates a strange dream about Jesus Christ to his disciples. Read it in his own words: "I had a curious dream on my journey back to England. While our ship was passing through the Mediterranean Sea, in my dream, an old and venerable person, like Rishi in appearance, stood before me and said: I am one of the ancient orders of Theraputtas that had its origin in the teaching of the Indian Rishis. The truths and ideals preached by us have been given by Christians as taught by Jesus: but by the subject that there was no such personality by the name of Jesus born. Several tests that testify to this fact will be brought to light by excavating here. By excavating where can you find those tests and relics you're talking about? I asked him. Chief Hoary was pointing at a locality in Turkey, he said, see here. Immediately afterwards, I woke up, and at the same time I rushed to the top deck and asked the captain, "What neighborhood is the boat right now?" "Look there," the captain replied, "there is Turkey and the island of Crete." Svapnavasava datta (Dream de Vasavadatta) is a famous drama of the ancient Bhasa of the Sanskrit playwright. The hero of history is presented with an accurate painting of a girl who had seen before in a dream in the court of King Udayanan. The Indians do not lose any chance of using a dream as the basis of their novels, dramas and films. Mathematical Genius Ramanujan The Indian mathematician genius Srinivasa Ramanujan said he received his inspiration and mathematical solutions in his dreams. He attributed this to the goddess of Namakkal. He said, "While I was asleep, I had an unusual experience. There was a red screen formed by the flow of blood as it was. I was watching him. Suddenly a hand started writing on the screen. I got all the attention. That hand wrote several results in elliptical integrals. They stayed in my head. As soon as I woke up, I came to write "The most famous Silappadikaram epic Tamil narrated the vivid dreams of Kovalan and Kannaki, the hero and heroin in great detail. Tamil Bhakti literature (5th to 9th centuries) has many references to dreams. The 2000-year-old Tamil Sangam literature speaks of animals they dream – a concept that recently confirmed modern research at MIT and other scientific institutions. Finally, I will leave you with a list of great people who attribute their discoveries or inventions to strange dreams:1. F.A. Kekule: He saw Benzene's structure in his dream and revealed it to the world.2 Abraham Lincoln: He dreamed of his murder just before his death and told his friends3. Otto Loewi: won the Nobel Prize in Science by discovering the chemical transmission of nervous impulses in a dream4. Paul McCartney: He got his song for the "Yesterday" in a dream5. Mary. Shelley: The idea for Frankenstein came to her in a dream6. Elias Howe: invented a dream sewing machine7. Stephen King: The famous novelist's plots come from their dreams that you have sweet dreams! You may also like Add comment Name * Email * Website Notify me of follow-up comments by email This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. .Search the websiteAs we do on FacebookGet daily updates via email Enter your email address: Recent Posts


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